[R] data reshape

Bert Gunter bgunter@4567 @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Fri Dec 20 03:51:56 CET 2019

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On Thu, Dec 19, 2019 at 6:01 PM Yuan Chun Ding <ycding using coh.org> wrote:

> Hi R users,
> I have a folder (called genotype) with 652 files; the file names are
> GTEX-1A3MV.out, GTEX-1A3MX.out, GTEX-1B8SF.out, etc; in each file,  only
> one column of data without a header as below
> 201
> 2/2
> 238
> 3/4
> 245
> 1/2
> .....
> 983255
> 3/3
> 983766
> None
> A total of 20528 rows;
> I need to read all those 652 files in the genotype folder and then reshape
> the one column in each file as:
> SampleID             201        238        245        ....   983255
>  983766
> GTEX-1A3MV     2/2         3/4        1/2                         3/3
>    None
> There are 10264 data columns plus the sample ID column, so 10265 columns
> in total after data reshaping.
> After reading those 652 file and reshape the one column in each file, I
> will stack them by the rbind function, then I have a file with a dimension
> of 653 row, 10265 column.
> Thank you,
> Ding
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