[R] issue with numeric

Ana Marija @okov|c@@n@m@r|j@ @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Wed Dec 18 19:25:24 CET 2019


I was running this code, located at:

Rscript runFDR_cis.R Retina_new_perms_full.txt 0.05 permutations_all

and I got this error:

Processing QTLtools output.
  * Input  = [ Retina_new_perms_full.txt ]
  * FDR    =  0.05
  * Output = [ permutations_all ]

Read Input data. Note: we expect a file with 19 columns i.e. it is
best to use the results from a permutation test.
  * Gene level correction detected
  * Number of molecular phenotypes = 17375
  * Number of NA lines = 15
Error in cor(D[, 18 + exon_offset], D[, 19 + exon_offset]) :
  'x' must be numeric
Calls: cat -> cor
Execution halted

> a=read.table("Retina_new_perms_full.txt", header=T)
> head(a)
               V1   V2     V3     V4 V5   V6      V7
1 ENSG00000227232 chr1  29571  29570  -  983 -828479
2 ENSG00000237613 chr1  36082  36081  - 1006  -38709
3 ENSG00000239945 chr1  91106  91105  - 1169 -782443
4 ENSG00000238009 chr1 133724 133723  - 1340   69986
5 ENSG00000241860 chr1 173863 173862  - 1441 -831895
6 ENSG00000279457 chr1 200323 200322  - 1620 -980529
                                   V8   V9     V10     V11   Effect_allele
1              rs200956863:793429:T:C chr1  858049  858049               T
2                rs13328700:74790:C:G chr1   74790   74790               G
3               rs11240780:808928:C:T chr1  873548  873548               C
4            rs201888535:63735:CCTA:C chr1   63735   63738               C
5 rs61703480:941137:AGCCCCCGCAGCAGT:A chr1 1005757 1005771 AGCCCCCGCAGCAGT
6              rs13374146:1116231:T:C chr1 1180851 1180851               C
  Baseline_allele V12     V13     V14     V15         V16       V17      V18
1               C 404 348.489 1.04262 139.753 0.000741814  0.269459 0.196180
2               C 404 346.832 1.03086 138.165 0.002822220 -0.687290 0.530547
3               T 404 347.109 1.02189 152.726 0.000626379 -0.284821 0.203080
4            CCTA 404 338.804 1.04423 154.301 0.000797573 -0.398402 0.264974
5               A 404 341.822 1.04355 171.178 0.002893770  0.340855 0.638936
6               T 404 338.232 1.05240 180.879 0.001846080 -0.458547 0.528947
1 0.198142
2 0.529105
3 0.199394
4 0.261441
5 0.633917
6 0.524186

Please advise,

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