[R] Please help translate this program in python to R.
Boris Steipe
bor|@@@te|pe @end|ng |rom utoronto@c@
Sun Dec 15 04:48:12 CET 2019
See my response to the C++ question you posted a minute later.
> On 2019-12-15, at 05:35, Александр Дубровский <dubrovvsskkyy using gmail.com> wrote:
> # Iterative Merge sort (Bottom Up)
> # Iterative mergesort function to
> # sort arr[0...n-1]
> def mergeSort(a):
> current_size = 1
> # Outer loop for traversing Each
> # sub array of current_size
> while current_size < len(a) - 1:
> left = 0
> # Inner loop for merge call
> # in a sub array
> # Each complete Iteration sorts
> # the iterating sub array
> while left < len(a)-1:
> # mid index = left index of
> # sub array + current sub
> # array size - 1
> mid = left + current_size - 1
> # (False result,True result)
> # [Condition] Can use current_size
> # if 2 * current_size < len(a)-1
> # else len(a)-1
> right = ((2 * current_size + left - 1,
> len(a) - 1)[2 * current_size
> + left - 1 > len(a)-1])
> # Merge call for each sub array
> merge(a, left, mid, right)
> left = left + current_size*2
> # Increasing sub array size by
> # multiple of 2
> current_size = 2 * current_size
> # Merge Function
> def merge(a, l, m, r):
> n1 = m - l + 1
> n2 = r - m
> L = [0] * n1
> R = [0] * n2
> for i in range(0, n1):
> L[i] = a[l + i]
> for i in range(0, n2):
> R[i] = a[m + i + 1]
> i, j, k = 0, 0, l
> while i < n1 and j < n2:
> if L[i] > R[j]:
> a[k] = R[j]
> j += 1
> else:
> a[k] = L[i]
> i += 1
> k += 1
> while i < n1:
> a[k] = L[i]
> i += 1
> k += 1
> while j < n2:
> a[k] = R[j]
> j += 1
> k += 1
> # Driver code
> a = [12, 11, 13, 5, 6, 7]
> print("Given array is ")
> print(a)
> mergeSort(a)
> print("Sorted array is ")
> print(a)
> # Contributed by Madhur Chhangani [RCOEM]
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