[R] Two geom_bar with counts to put in the same plot

Francesca |r@nce@c@@p@ncotto @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Tue Dec 3 15:10:10 CET 2019

here it is;. THANKS!

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0, 0, 10, 20, 0, 0, 10, 40, 0, 0, -10, -20), .Dim = c(236L, 6L
), .Dimnames = list(NULL, c("participation1", "participation2", 
"ParticipantsNOPUN", "ParticipantsPUN", "delta11_L", "delta2_L"

Francesca Pancotto
Francesca Pancotto, PhD
Associate Professor of Political Economy
Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia
Viale A. Allegri, 9
40121 Reggio Emilia
Office: +39 0522 523264
https://sites.google.com/view/francescapancotto/home <https://sites.google.com/view/francescapancotto/home>


> Il giorno 3 dic 2019, alle ore 15:03, Rui Barradas <ruipbarradas using sapo.pt> ha scritto:
> Hello,
> Please post the output of
> dput(DB)
> in a next e-mail to R-Help, like this it's difficult for us to use the data you posted.
> And yes, I bet you will need the data in long format. It is a frequent first step to the problem of plotting two or more columns in the same graph. To say more only with data.
> Hope this helps,
> Rui Barradas
> Às 09:18 de 03/12/19, Francesca escreveu:
>> Dear Contributors,
>> I would like to ask help on how to create a  plot that is the overlapping
>> of two other plots.
>> It is a geom_bar structure, where I want to count the occurrences of two
>> variables, participation1 and participation2 that I recoded as factors as
>> ParticipationNOPUN and ParticipationPUN to have nice names in the legend.
>> The variables to "count" in the two plots are delta11_L and delta2_L
>> These are my data and code to create the two plots. I would like to put
>> them in the same plot as superimposed areas so that I see the change in the
>> distribution of counts in the two cases.
>> This is DB:
>> participation1 participation2 ParticipantsNOPUN ParticipantsPUN delta11_L
>> delta2_L
>>   [1,]              1              1                 2               2
>>     0        0
>>   [2,]              1              1                 2               2
>>   -10      -10
>>   [3,]              1              1                 2               2
>>   -10        0
>>   [4,]              1              1                 2               2
>>     0        0
>>   [5,]              1              1                 2               2
>>     0        0
>>   [6,]              1              1                 2               2
>>     0        0
>>   [7,]              1              0                 2               1
>>   -30       30
>>   [8,]              1              1                 2               2
>>     0       10
>>   [9,]              1              0                 2               1
>>    10       40
>>  [10,]              1              1                 2               2
>>     0        0
>>  [11,]              0              0                 1               1
>>    20        0
>>  [12,]              1              1                 2               2
>>    10        0
>>  [13,]              1              1                 2               2
>>     0        0
>>  [14,]              1              1                 2               2
>>     0        0
>>  [15,]              1              1                 2               2
>>    20       10
>>  [16,]              1              1                 2               2
>>     0        0
>>  [17,]              1              1                 2               2
>>     0        0
>>  [18,]              1              1                 2               2
>>   -10       30
>>  [19,]              0              0                 1               1
>>    30       10
>>  [20,]              1              1                 2               2
>>    10       10
>>  [21,]              1              1                 2               2
>>     0        0
>>  [22,]              1              1                 2               2
>>     0        0
>>  [23,]              1              1                 2               2
>>     0      -10
>>  [24,]              1              1                 2               2
>>     0      -20
>>  [25,]              1              1                 2               2
>>    10      -10
>>  [26,]              1              1                 2               2
>>     0        0
>>  [27,]              1              1                 2               2
>>     0        0
>> First PLOT(I need to subset the data to eliminate some NA. NB: the two
>> dataframes end up not having the same number of rows for this reason):
>> ggplot(data=subset(DB, !is.na(participation1)), aes(x = delta11_L, fill
>> =ParticipantsNOPUN))+
>>          geom_bar(position = "dodge")+ theme_bw(base_size = 12) +
>> labs(x="Delta Contributions (PGG w/out punishment)")+
>>   theme(legend.position = "top",legend.title = element_blank())
>> +scale_fill_brewer(palette="Set1")
>> Second PLOT:
>>  ggplot(DB, aes(x = delta2_L, fill =ParticipantsPUN)  , aes(x = delta2_L,
>> fill =ParticipantsPUN))+
>>   geom_bar(position = "dodge")+ theme_bw(base_size = 12) + labs(x="Delta
>> Contributions (PGG w/punishment)")+
>>   theme(legend.position = "top",legend.title = element_blank())
>> +scale_fill_brewer(palette="Set1")
>> is it possible to create a density plot of the two counts data on the same
>> plot?
>> Do I need to create a variable count or long data format?
>> Thanks
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