[R] Helping for approrpriate test

bie@ve@idozom@ m@iii@g oii gm@ii@com bie@ve@idozom@ m@iii@g oii gm@ii@com
Thu Apr 18 09:04:17 CEST 2019

Dear All,
I have in field and collect some data and i need your help for the appropriate test to analyze the data.
Indeed, i collected data from 200 farmers. From cluster analysis, i found four type or clusters of farmers. During the survey, i asked all the farmers to rank the different constraints from their activity from 1 to 4 (1= low importance and 4 = very important constraints). I would like to make a comparaison among these four clusters or groups to know if there is any difference between each cluster belong the differents constraints. 
There is four (4) groups of farmers and 16 constraints. All the 200 farmers ranked all the constraints.

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