[R] [R-pkgs] Releasing new package on CRAN
Roman Minguez Salido
Rom@n@M|nguez @end|ng |rom uc|m@e@
Thu Apr 11 12:54:23 CEST 2019
Dear R-users:
First, we apologize for possible crossed messages.
It is a pleasure for us to have the opportunity to present a new R package, called 'spsur' available in https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/spsur/index.html
This is a specific R package for the estimation of Spatial Seemingly Unrelated Regression models by maximum likelihood or instrumental variable procedures. Moreover, 'spsur' implements a collection of Lagrange Multipliers and Likelihood Ratios to test for misspecifications in SUR models.
If you would like, you can install 'spsur' directly from CRAN repository. There you will find also a vignette including some examples, available also in https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/spsur/vignettes/spsur-vignette.html
This is the first version of 'spsur'. We want to improve it in the future, therefore, any suggestions or comments related to the package would be very welcome. Your expertise and your feedback would be very important for us.
We hope you find this package interesting for your research and empirical work.
Thanks in advance for your feedback,
Fernando L�pez, Rom�n M�nguez and Jes�s Mur.
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