[R] Can one perform a dry run of a package installation?

Sebastien Bihorel @eb@@t|en@b|hore| @end|ng |rom cogn|gencorp@com
Thu Apr 11 03:38:52 CEST 2019


----- Original Message -----
From: "Duncan Murdoch" <murdoch.duncan using gmail.com>
To: "Sebastien Bihorel" <sebastien.bihorel using cognigencorp.com>, r-help using r-project.org
Sent: Tuesday, April 9, 2019 7:29:50 PM
Subject: Re: [R] Can one perform a dry run of a package installation?

On 09/04/2019 5:46 p.m., Sebastien Bihorel wrote:
> Hi,
> Is there a way to do a dry run of install.packages() or update.packages() to simulate how an R environment would be modified by the installation or update of a particular set of packages (with their dependencies)?
> I am particularly interested in finding how dependencies would be recursively updated to newer versions.

Set the `lib` parameter of `install.packages` to an empty directory, and 
see what gets installed there.

Duncan Murdoch

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