[R] GLM Model Summary

Peter Langfelder peter@|@ng|e|der @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Tue Oct 16 18:54:37 CEST 2018

The coefficients are best obtained as summary(Model)$coefficients.
This is a matrix can than be saved as a csv file and opened in excel
or other spreadsheet software.


On Tue, Oct 16, 2018 at 9:44 AM Neslin, Scott A.
<Scott.A.Neslin using tuck.dartmouth.edu> wrote:
> R-Help:
> We are working with your GLM R package.  The Summary(Model) now gets printed by the program as one object and we want to put the coefficient columns into Excel.  We took an initial stab at this by counting the number of characters occupied by each column.  But we have now learned that the number of characters in a column depends on the length of the variable names, so is not a constant number (e.g., 54 characters to a line).
> We therefore ask, is it possible for us to get the Summary(Model) column by column, i.e., a separate object for each column?  That way we could assemble an Excel table easily rather than having to count the number of characters.
> Is this possible for us to do by ourselves?  Or could you modify the package in some way?
> We appreciate your attention.  Thank you!
> Scott Neslin
> Prasad Vana
> Dartmouth College
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