[R] arulesSequences Package

Jeff Reichman re|chm@nj @end|ng |rom @bcg|ob@|@net
Mon Oct 1 23:47:33 CEST 2018

R-Help Forum

For anyone who has used the "arulesSequences" Package how do I start with
raw data (*.csv file) and convert into a sequence object to run the cSPADE
function.  The package example use zaki dataset which has already been
converted.  When I state raw data how should I structure my csv file?

A web example  or RPubs link?

For example 
Seq_1	{E,B}, {C}, {T}
Seq_2 	(E,M}, {C}, {B,E,V,T}
Seq_3 	{E},{C},{T}

Jeff Reichman

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