[R] create a heatmap for findAssocs results based on time
Elahe chalabi
ch@l@bi@el@he @ending from y@hoo@de
Thu Nov 15 16:14:02 CET 2018
Hi all,
I have the following data for which I create a document term matrix first and then I add the time available to the dtm. In order to see the correlations to the term "updat" in the different years, I would like to have a heat-map for findassoc in a way that x-axis shows the time.
> library(tm)
> dput(df)
structure(list(Description = structure(c(5L, 8L, 6L, 4L, 1L,
2L, 7L, 9L, 10L, 3L), .Label = c("general topics done", "keep the general topics updated",
"rejected topic ", "several topics in hand", "this is a genetal topic",
"topic 333555 needs to be updated", "topic 5647 is handed over",
"topic is updated", "update the topic ", "updating the topic is done "
), class = "factor")), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA,
> corpus=Corpus(VectorSource(df$Description))
> corpus=tm_map(corpus,tolower)
> corpus=tm_map(corpus,removePunctuation)
> corpus=tm_map(corpus,stemDocument,"english")
> frequenciescontrol=DocumentTermMatrix(corpus)
findAssocs(frequenciescontrol, "updat", 0.01)
Heatmap looking: y axis-> all the words correlated to "updat" x axis: years legend:correlation
Thanks for any help.
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