[R] Help with Centroids

Robert David Burbidge robertburbidged@t@ @ending from y@hoo@co@uk
Wed Nov 14 07:58:46 CET 2018

Hi Sasha,

Your attached table did not come through, please see the posting guidelines:
"No binary attachments except for PS, PDF, and some image and archive 
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It is not clear what you are trying to do. As a first step it looks like 
you want something like:
lat <- c(9161,9162,9163,9164,10152,10154)

Please provide further details on what you are trying to do.



On 13/11/2018 09:51, sasa kosanic wrote:
> Dear All, I am pretty new to R and would appreciate a help how to 
> calculate centroids from the latitude and longitude of existing cells 
> (e.g. to get centroid for a new cell I would need to combine latitude 
> and 9161,9162,9163,9164 to 9160 or 10152, 10154 to 10150 etc.) Please 
> see attached table. Thank you very much! Best, Sasha

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