[R] Unexpected failure of Cholesky docomposition
Eric Berger
ericjberger @ending from gm@il@com
Tue Nov 13 16:44:42 CET 2018
Eigen shows that the matrix is not positive definite (it has a negative
And isSymmetric() also shows it is not symmetric - compare (3,4) and (4,3)
On Tue, Nov 13, 2018 at 5:39 PM Hoffman, Gabriel <gabriel.hoffman using mssm.edu>
> My understanding is that a Cholesky decomposition should work on any
> square, positive definite matrix. I am encountering an issue where chol()
> fails and give the error: "the leading minor of order 3 is not positive
> definite"
> This occurs on multiple machines and version of R.
> Here is a minimal reproducible example:
> # initialize matrix
> values = c(1,0.725,0,0,0.725,1,0.692,0,0,0.692,1,0.644,0,0,0.664,1)
> B = matrix(values, 4,4)
> # show that singular values are positive
> svd(B)$d
> # show that matrix is symmetric
> isSymmetric(B)
> # B is symmetric positive definite, but Cholesky still fails
> chol(B)
> Is this a numerical stability issue? How can I predict which matrices
> will fail?
> - Gabriel
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