[R] Convert daily data to weekly data

Miluji Sb miluji@b @ending from gm@il@com
Tue May 29 14:59:26 CEST 2018

Dear all,

I have daily data in wide-format from 01/01/1986 to 31/12/2016 by ID. I
would like to convert this to weekly average data. The data has been
generated by an algorithm.

I know that I can use the lubridate package but that would require me to
first convert the data to long-form (which is what I want). I am at a bit
of loss of how to extract the date from the variable names and then
converting the data to weekly average. Any help will be high appreciated.

### data
structure(list(X1986. = c(16.8181762695312, 16.8181762695312,
18.8294372558594, 16.8181762695312, 18.8294372558594, 16.835693359375
), X1986. = c(16.2272033691406, 16.2272033691406,
18.0772094726562, 16.2272033691406, 18.0772094726562, 16.2159423828125
), X1986. = c(15.8944396972656, 15.8944396972656,
17.7444152832031, 15.8944396972656, 17.7444152832031, 15.91943359375
), X1986. = c(16.2752380371094, 16.2752380371094,
18.125244140625, 16.2752380371094, 18.125244140625, 16.3352355957031
), X1986. = c(15.3706359863281, 15.3706359863281,
17.2806396484375, 15.3706359863281, 17.2806396484375, 15.3556213378906
), X1986. = c(15.3798828125, 15.3798828125, 17.3136291503906,
15.3798828125, 17.3136291503906, 15.4974060058594), ID = 1:6), .Names =
"X1986.", "X1986.", "X1986.",
"X1986.", "X1986.", "ID"), row.names = c(NA,
6L), class = "data.frame")



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