[R] options other than regex
Evan Cooch
ev@n@cooch @ending from gm@il@com
Fri May 25 15:43:19 CEST 2018
Hi --
I'm looking for alternatives to regex for a fairly simply 'reformatting'
problem. Alternatives only because a lot of folks have trouble
parsing/interpreting regex expressions, and I'm looking for suggestions
for something more 'transparent'.
Here is an example of what I'm trying to do. Take the following string,
which I call x, and for each character in the string, replace that
character with the character, followed by a decimal. The following big
of regex works...and illustrates the reformatting I'm after:
x <- '10110111'
y <- sub("\\s+$", "", gsub('(.{1})', '\\1.', x))
I had a look at formatC or prettyNum as another way to get there from
here, but couldn't get it to work:
x <- '10110111'
hold <- prettyNum(as.numeric(x), big.mark = ".", big.interval = 1,
format = "d", flag = "0", width = nchar(x))
I tried making big.mark a decimal, but that fails, since it confuses
'prettyNum'. OK, so I try a 2-step approach
x <- '10110111'
hold <- prettyNum(as.numeric(x), big.mark = "x", big.interval = 1,
format = "d", flag = "00", width = nchar(x))
hold2 <- (gsub("x",".",hold))
Seems to work, but...doesn't work (at least, based on what I tried) if
the first character(s) in the string are 0's. [Whereas the regex
approach handles this just fine...]
x <- '0010110111'
hold <- prettyNum(as.numeric(x), big.mark = "x", big.interval = 1,
format = "d", flag = "00", width = nchar(x))
hold2 <- (gsub("x",".",hold))
Basically, it strips off the leading 0's. I'm sure I'm missing something
with prettyNum/formatC, but I'm also guessing there are alternatives.
Thanks in advance.
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