[R] Equivalent of gtools::mixedsort in R base

Sebastien Bihorel sebastien.bihorel at cognigencorp.com
Mon Mar 12 18:44:07 CET 2018


Point taken... although this error is not returned in older version of R (3.1.2 does not have any issue with your test case... not sure when the added layer of check was introduced). 

From: "William Dunlap" <wdunlap at tibco.com> 
To: "Sebastien Bihorel" <sebastien.bihorel at cognigencorp.com> 
Cc: r-help at r-project.org 
Sent: Monday, March 12, 2018 10:56:43 AM 
Subject: Re: [R] Equivalent of gtools::mixedsort in R base 

1- mixedorder does not work in a "do.call(mixedorder, mydataframe)" call like the order function does 

This is tangential, but do.call(order, mydataframe) is not safe to use in a 
general purpose function either - you need to remove the names from 
the second argument: 
> d <- data.frame(method=c("New","New","Old","Old","Old"), result=5:1) 
> do.call(order, d) 
Error in match.arg(method) : 'arg' must be NULL or a character vector 
> do.call(order, unname(as.list(d))) 
[1] 2 1 5 4 3 

Bill Dunlap 
TIBCO Software 
wdunlap [ http://tibco.com/ | tibco.com ] 

On Sun, Mar 11, 2018 at 9:15 PM, Sebastien Bihorel < [ mailto:sebastien.bihorel at cognigencorp.com | sebastien.bihorel at cognigencorp.com ] > wrote: 


Searching for functions that would order strings that mix characters and numbers in a "natural" way (ie, "a1 a2 a10" instead of "a1 a10 a2"), I found the mixedsort and mixedorder from the gtools package. 

1- mixedorder does not work in a "do.call(mixedorder, mydataframe)" call like the order function does 
2- gtools has not been updated in 2.5 years 

Are you aware of an equivalent of this function in base R or a another contributed package (with correction of problem #1)? 


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