[R] on execution time of a function...
Loris Bennett
|or|@@bennett @end|ng |rom |u-ber||n@de
Wed Jun 13 10:07:38 CEST 2018
Hi Akshay,
In addition to all the things Jeff rightly points out, contention for IO
resources can be an issue. So if another process was hogging the
bandwidth while your program was attempting to read or write to disk,
that could also have slowed things down.
Jeff Newmiller <jdnewmil using dcn.davis.ca.us> writes:
> Wow, you can find almost any explanation on the Internets. That doesn't mean you
> should believe all of them. R does not do anything likely to tweak
> interrupts... if that is your problem then you need to be on an
> operating-system/computer-model-specific forum rather than this OS-agnostic
> mailing list.
> It is far more likely that your overall memory usage conditions have changed
> since the last time you ran it... or that you didn't actually record all of the
> things you did last time in your script. (Newbie R users often do things at the
> console without putting them in their scripts.)
> I suggest that you run your script one statement at a time and see where your
> problem is. You might also want to make sure that other programs are not using
> up a lot of your memory (which could involve some OS-specific tools or just
> shutting down some other programs.)
> On June 12, 2018 7:36:40 PM HST, akshay kulkarni <akshay_e4 using hotmail.com> wrote:
>>I ran a function in R three days ago and the execution time was about
>>4 minutes. I ran the same function yesterday and the execution time was
>>more than 6:50 minutes(I aborted the function after that time).
>>I read in the Internet that this is possible. I also came to know that
>>software or hardware interrupts are the main reasons.
>>How do you know whether the delay was caused by interrupts? Which
>>hardware or software triggered the interrupts? In general, how to know
>>the exact cause of the delay in execution in R? Are there any packages
>>for these analyses?
>>Very many thanks for your time and effort....
>>yours sincerely,
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Dr. Loris Bennett (Mr.)
ZEDAT, Freie Universität Berlin Email loris.bennett using fu-berlin.de
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