[R] Problems running a PGLS model with phylogenetic uncertainty

Hannah van Noort h@nn@hvnoort @ending from gm@il@com
Sat Jun 16 22:37:08 CEST 2018

Hi everyone,

I'm having trouble running a PGLS model with the package "AICmodavg". I
continuously get the error of false convergence with certain Lambda
values (even
when trying to run the model with different Lambda values) and for other La
mbda values I run into "error in eigen(val) : infinite or missing values in
'X' ". I've tried several optimizers and removing some outlier values but
the same errors keep on popping up.. Does anyone know how to solve this
Below a part of my script with the specific dependent and independent varia
bles and I've also attached files with the relevant data and phylogenetic
tree information.

Cand.models = list()
niter = 100
for (i in 1:niter) {
  Cand.models[[i]] = gls(Maxgrowthrate ~ log.Forrang+log.Weight_av), data =
d, method= "ML", na.action=na.omit
                         correlation = corPagel(value=0.4, trees[[i]]))

Thank you in advance for any help, it's much appreciated!

Kind regards,

Hannah van Noort

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