[R] R maintains old values

PIKAL Petr petr@p|k@| @end|ng |rom prechez@@cz
Mon Jul 2 16:34:13 CEST 2018


Without code it is just fishing in murky waters. Could the problem you face be that in each run you assingn the result to some object and if the CSV is wrong your code fails but the object from previous run persists?

If this is the case just initialize your objects in the beginning (e.g. make them NULL at the beginning) and only if code delivers result the value of the result is returned otherwise NULL is returned.


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> -----Original Message-----
> From: R-help [mailto:r-help-bounces using r-project.org] On Behalf Of Morkus via R-
> help
> Sent: Monday, July 2, 2018 2:02 PM
> To: r-help using r-project.org
> Subject: [R] R maintains old values
> Hello,
> I have a strange side-effect from executing R-scripts using R and RServe.
> I am executing an R-Script from a Java file using RServe in R. I also have RStudio
> installed, but it's not running at the time. The R-script reads a CSV file and does
> various statistical things. RServe enables me to run each line of the R script
> using "eval()" line by line.
> All this works fine for a correctly-formatted CSV file. It's great.
> But, if the CSV file isn't correctly formatted, AND the last CSV file did correctly
> get run, then, with the incorrect CSV as input, the output is what ran last time.
> Somehow, the last correct run is persisted and returned if there is some
> problem with the current CSV input.
> This data persistence is maintained across reboots.
> I'm thus baffled how R is maintaining these old values, but more to the point, I
> need to know how to clear these old values so if the CSV input is incorrect, I get
> nothing back, not the old CSV values from a correctly formatted file.
> Hope this description is clear.
> Thanks in advance to all.
> - M
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