[R] RStudio 1.1.453 - Windows 10 - How to see detailed results of every calculation step

Rui Barradas ruipb@rr@d@@ @ending from @@po@pt
Fri Jul 27 18:02:36 CEST 2018


First of all welcome to R, I hope you enjoy it and that as you go along 
it will give less and less troubles.

Now, why would length(56) return 2? It's just one number, a vector of 
length 1.

Start by trying it at an R prompt and see the result.

Hope this helps,

Rui Barradas

Às 16:07 de 27-07-2018, إبراهيم خطاب Ibrauheem Khat'taub escreveu:
> Hi everyone,
> I am taking my first R course. This was my first example.
> When I executed:
> AddLengthNoise <- function(x) {x + rnorm(length(x))}
> using 56 as the value of x, I expected the result to be two values,
> something like:
> [1] 56.17491697 56.02935105
> because I expected rnorm to return two values and then 56 to be added to
> each of them. Instead, I got one value, something like:
> [1] 56.17491697
> So I wondered how this happened and wanted to see what happens behind the
> scene. Coming from the Excel paradigm, I wondered, "Is there something like
> 'show calculation steps' in R?" So I Googled it, and got nothing related
> but this
> <https://support.rstudio.com/hc/en-us/articles/205612627-Debugging-with-RStudio>.
> So, I tried breaking my code into separate lines and toggling breakpoints
> at all lines, as follows:
> 6| AddLengthNoise <- function(x) {
>     - 7| x +
>     - 8| rnorm(
>     - 9| length(
>     - 10| x)
>     - 11| )
>     - 12| }
> (Where the bullet points above represent the red debugging checkpoints)
> Then I tried again:
> AddLengthNoise(56)
> and as I executed step by step, I could not see what I expected. I couldn't
> see each step's result, and I did not understand what I saw neither in the
> console nor in the "Traceback" window that appeared.
> My 2 questions:
>     1. Did I do something wrong?
>     2. Is there a way to see, like in Excel's "Show calculation steps", the
>     result of each step alone (i.e. length(56)=2 ==> rnorm(2)={0.17491697;
>     0.02935105} ==> 56 + {0.17491697; 0.02935105}= ... and so on)?
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