[R] How to limit an isotonic step regression to exactly n steps?

Tanush Jagdish t@nu@h@j@gdi@h @ending from gm@il@com
Fri Jul 27 00:29:48 CEST 2018

I am trying to fit an isotonic step function to my data. Every isotonic
step regression function (I've tried isoreg, pava, etc) 'finds' multiple
points of increase (steps) across my dataset. However, I would like to
limit the steps to 7, because given my understanding of the data, I expect
exactly 7 sudden points of increase.

(I will then see if the steps predicted by the regression occur at the regions
I expect them to.)

Could anyone please help me restrict the number of points to 7 or any
other defined
number? I would really appreciate it.

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