[R] Bug (?): reading binary files in Windows 10

Kate Stone k@tem@to @ending from gm@il@com
Thu Dec 6 13:45:35 CET 2018

Hello r-help,

Could you help me determine whether this is an R bug or not?

I've been trying to read this binary file in R:


and I get a different length file (i.e. much longer) in Windows  >= 8
x64 (build 9200) than in Ubuntu. I've tested it with different R
versions in Windows and different package versions with the same
incorrect result. Other colleagues have tested it on the same
Windows/Ubuntu builds and got the correct length.

I'm not sure whether this is an R problem or something to do with my
OS specifically, or even with the file itself. Any ideas?? I've
attached a small script demonstrating the issue.

Many thanks,

Kate Stone
PhD candidate
Vasishth Lab | Department of Linguistics
Potsdam University, 14467 Potsdam, Germany

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