[R] [R-pkgs] New package cNORM: Continuous norming

Wolfgang Lenhard wolfg@ng@lenh@rd @ending from uni-wuerzburg@de
Mon Dec 3 12:03:44 CET 2018

Hi everyone,
I would like to introduce a new package: cNORM. It aims at solving 
problems with percentile estimation / norm score generation in 
biometrics and psychometrics, f. e. BMI growth curves, IQ tests ... 
Conventional methods for producing standard scores in psychometrics or 
biometrics are often plagued with "jumps" or "gaps" (i.e., 
discontinuities) in norm tables and low confidence for assessing extreme 
scores. The continuous norming method introduced by A. Lenhard et al. 
(2016), <doi:10.1177/1073191116656437>, generates continuous test norm 
scores on the basis of the raw data from standardization samples, 
without requiring assumptions about the distribution of the raw data: 
Norm scores are directly established from raw data by modeling the 
latter ones as a function of both percentile scores and an explanatory 
variable (e.g., age). The method minimizes bias arising from sampling 
and measurement error, while handling marked deviations from normality, 
addressing bottom or ceiling effects and capturing almost all of the 
variance in the original norm data sample.

The R package is available via 
Comprehensive online tutorial: https://www.psychometrica.de/cNorm_en.html
If you like to access the developmental version: 

And finally the original article and project updates via Researchgate:
- https://www.researchgate.net/project/Continuous-Norming

Best regards,
     Wolfgang Lenhard

Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Lenhard
Institute for Psychologie IV
D-97070 Würzburg, Germany
URL:  https://go.uniwue.de/lenhard

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