[R] A slightly unorthodox matrix product.

Jeff Newmiller jdnewm|| @end|ng |rom dcn@d@v|@@c@@u@
Sat Aug 4 21:59:15 CEST 2018

Sorry I missed your intent on the sapply.

Slick work on the vectorizing, but for the future reference it was 
slightly buggy:

A <- matrix( 1:12, nrow = 3 )
B <- matrix( 1:15, nrow = 3 )

# for loop
ans2 <- function( a, b ) {
   zzz <- array( rep( NA, nrow( a ) * ncol( a ) * ncol( b ) )
               , dim = c( nrow( a ), ncol( a ), ncol( b ) )
   jseq <- seq.int( ncol( a ) )
   kseq <- seq.int( ncol( b ) )
   for ( i in seq.int( nrow( a ) ) ) {
     zzz[ i, jseq, kseq ] <- outer( a[ i, ], b[ i, ] )

# fast but buggy
ans0 <- function( A, B ) {
   nca <- ncol( A )
   ncb <- ncol( B )
   j.index <- rep( seq.int( nca ), times = ncb)
   k.index <- rep( seq.int( nca ), each = ncb)
   res <- array( A[ , j.index ] * B[ , k.index ]
               , c( nrow( A ), nca, ncb )

# bugfixed
ans0b <- function( A, B ) {
   nca <- ncol( A )
   ncb <- ncol( B )
   j.index <- rep( seq.int( nca ), times = ncb )
   k.index <- rep( seq.int( ncb ), each = nca )
   res <- array( A[ , j.index ] * B[ , k.index ]
               , c( nrow( A ), nca, ncb )


microbenchmark( res2 <- ans2( A, B )
               , res0b <- ans0b( A, B )
               , res0 <- ans0( A, B )
#> Unit: microseconds
#>                  expr    min      lq     mean  median      uq      max
#>    res2 <- ans2(A, B) 84.987 87.8185 270.2153 96.4315 99.4175 17531.77
#>  res0b <- ans0b(A, B) 17.940 19.2055 126.8974 20.8800 22.2865 10616.36
#>    res0 <- ans0(A, B) 18.041 19.1670 126.1183 20.5530 21.9545 10532.44
#>  neval
#>    100
#>    100
#>    100
all( res2 == res0 )
#> [1] FALSE
all( res2 == res0b )
#> [1] TRUE

#' Created on 2018-08-04 by the [reprex package](http://reprex.tidyverse.org) (v0.2.0).

On Sat, 4 Aug 2018, Berry, Charles wrote:

>> On Aug 4, 2018, at 11:43 AM, Jeff Newmiller <jdnewmil using dcn.davis.ca.us> wrote:
>> Sometimes a good old for loop performs best, even if it doesn't look sexy:
> Fair enough, but a vectorized solution beats them all (see below).
> Also,
> [SNIP]
>> # Charles
>> ans1b <- function( a, b )
>> {
> The lapply you put here was from Eric's solution:
>>  xxx <- lapply( seq.int( nrow( A ) )
>>               , function( i ) {
>>                    A[ i, ] %o% B[ i, ]
>>                 }
> This is what I had in mind:
> ans1b.corrected <- function( a, b ) {
>  yyy <- sapply( seq.int( nrow( a ) )
>                 , function( i ) a[ i, ] %o% b[ i, ]
>                 , simplify = "array"
>  )
>  zzz <- aperm( yyy, c( 3, 1, 2 ) )
>  zzz
> }
> On my system it is slower than a for loop but a lot faster than your benchmark showed with the superfluous code from Eric's solution.
> For speed, a vectorized solution is faster than a for loop by a factor of 3 on my laptop:
> ans0 <- function(A,B){
>  nca <- ncol(A)
>  ncb <- ncol(B)
>  j.index <- rep(1:nca, times = ncb)
>  k.index <- rep(1:nca, each = ncb)
>  res <- array(A[, j.index] * B[, k.index], c(nrow(A), nca, ncb))
>  res
>  }
>> microbenchmark(
> +   res0 <- ans0(A, B),
> +   res1 <- ans1(A, B),
> +   res1b <- ans1b.corrected(A, B),
> +   res2 <- ans2(A, B),
> +   res3 <- ans3(A, B)
> + )
> Unit: microseconds
>                           expr     min       lq      mean   median       uq     max neval   cld
>             res0 <- ans0(A, B)  13.281  18.4960  21.52723  19.9905  23.4750  61.556   100 a
>             res1 <- ans1(A, B) 353.121 369.8635 409.77788 381.5840 444.3290 701.256   100     e
> res1b <- ans1b.corrected(A, B)  82.816  89.4185 101.52321  95.4275 107.1700 217.357   100   c
>             res2 <- ans2(A, B)  49.674  54.4825  61.78278  58.7540  65.5265 172.625   100  b
>             res3 <- ans3(A, B) 317.772 342.4220 392.25065 360.4675 436.2125 602.346   100    d
> FWIW, if there are dimnames on A and B, sapply( row names(A), ..., simplify="array") preserves them without further ado.
> Chuck

Jeff Newmiller                        The     .....       .....  Go Live...
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