[R] Philip Morris International - Windows10 migration assessment

S Ellison S@E|||@on @end|ng |rom LGCGroup@com
Thu Aug 2 13:32:42 CEST 2018

Suggest you take a look at the R website at www.r-project.org; the most important answers are evident there.

If you 'require' more authoritative answers within a particular timescale, I suggest you engage an R consultant and pay for them. This is a voluntary list.

S Ellison

> -----Original Message-----
> From: R-help [mailto:r-help-bounces using r-project.org] On Behalf Of Flament,
> Kevin
> Sent: 02 August 2018 09:45
> To: r-help using R-project.org
> Subject: [R] Philip Morris International - Windows10 migration assessment
> Dear R Project team,
> I am representing the System Toxicology department of Philip Morris
> International in the scope of a Windows 10 migration project.
> This project is currently at the end of the assessment phase. We would
> require an answer to this email by the end of this week.
> I would like to ask you some questions related to the following software we
> are using at PMI :
> R for Windows 3.0.2
> R for Windows 3.1.2
> Are all of those software compatible with Windows 10 Enterprise (version
> 10.0.16299 build 16299)?
> Are all of those software compatible with Windows 10 LTSC (version
> 14393.2399)?
> Are those software compatible with a 32 and/or 64 bit version of Windows
> 10?
> Are those application dependent on MS Office?
> Have those applications any pre-requisites? Such as Java, .Net, Oracle.
> If the software are not compatible, do you have a new version of this
> software compatible with the mentioned version of Windows 10?
> What would be the cost of such migration (instrument replacement if
> necessary, licence cost, ...)?
> If the software are not compatible and a new version is not yet available,
> could you give me an estimation for the future release availability?
> Best Regards,
> Kevin Flament
> Data & Systems Specialist
> PMI Science and Innovation
> Quai Jeanrenaud 3
> 2000 Neuch�tel
> 	[[alternative HTML version deleted]]

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