[R] Assistance needed to run bootstrapping using benchmarking package

Ekow Asmah @@m@hkow73 @ending from gm@il@com
Thu Aug 9 20:08:12 CEST 2018

Hello everyone. I am trying to run bootstrapping with DEA's directional
distance function using benchmarking Package. i have tried all i could but
without success. the actual problem is with the following commands:
1. dhat <- dea.direct(...)
2. Bm[i,] <- dea.direct (.....)
The details of the commands and the data are attached to this mail. Please
help me out

the error message is at the ending part of the commands

Emmanuel E. Asmah
Cape Coast Technical University
Cape Coast, Ghana
0233 -244759147
 easmah using cpoly.edu.gh
asmahkow73 using gmail.com
asmahkow using hahoo.com

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