[R] how to allign data
petr@pik@l @ending from prechez@@cz
Thu Aug 2 14:23:33 CEST 2018
Dear all
Before I start to reinvent wheel I would like to ask you if you have some easy solution for aligning data
I have something like this
y1<-c(runif(20)+1, 1.2*x[1:80]+runif(80))
y2<-c(runif(40)+1, 1.2*x[1:60]+runif(60))
points(x,y2, col=2)
with y increase starting at various x.
I would like to allign data so that the increase starts at the same x point, something like
points(x[-(1:20)]-20,y2[-(1:20)], col=2)
I consider using strucchange or segmented packages to find break(s) and "shift" x values according to this break. But maybe somebody already did similar task (aligning several vectors according to some common breakpoint) and could offer better or simpler solution.
Best regards.
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