[R] Obtain gradient at multiple values for exponential decay model
J C Nash
pro|jcn@@h @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Sat Apr 7 14:37:41 CEST 2018
R users may want to note that there are some extensions in packages for symbolic derivatives.
In particular, Duncan Murdoch added some "all in R" tools in the package nlsr that I maintain. This
is a substitute for the nls() function that uses a fairly unsatisfactory forward difference derivative
approximation. Moreover, the solver in nlsr is a variant of the Marquardt stabilized Gauss-Newton
approach, rather than the straight Gauss-Newton that often gives a "singular gradient" error. Nothing
is free, of course, and the Marquardt approach often uses more iterations when the problem is
uncomplicated. On the other hand, it is rather like a pit bull in trying to find a solution.
There is also the Deriv package, also "all in R". Both it and nlsr allow extensions to the derivatives
table, though I think most users will need to do some homework to become comfortable with doing
There is also a Google Summer of Code proposal this year to wrap the Julia Automatic Differentiation
tools to R. This would allow derivatives of coded functions to be computed avoiding approximations.
I believe it will be at least partly successful in achieving its goals.
Unfortunately (and I would rather hope that someone can say eventually that I am wrong), I believe
no tool is universally applicable.
On 2018-04-07 02:19 AM, Jeff Newmiller wrote:
> I have never found the R symbolic differentiation helpful because my functions are typically quite complicated, but was
> prompted by Steve Ellison's suggestion to try it out in this case:
> ################# reprex (see reprex package)
> graphdta <- read.csv( text =
> "t,c
> 0,100
> 40,78
> 80,59
> 120,38
> 160,25
> 200,21
> 240,16
> 280,12
> 320,10
> 360,9
> 400,7
> ", header = TRUE )
> nd <- c( 100, 250, 300 )
> graphmodeld <- lm( log(c) ~ t, data = graphdta )
> graphmodelplin <- predict( graphmodeld
> , newdata = data.frame( t = nd )
> )
> graphmodelp <- exp(graphmodelplin)
> graphmodelp
> #> 1 2 3
> #> 46.13085 16.58317 11.79125
> # derivative of exp( a + b*t ) is b * exp( a + b*t )
> graphmodeldpdt <- coef( graphmodeld )[ 2 ] * graphmodelp
> graphmodeldpdt
> #> 1 2 3
> #> -0.31464113 -0.11310757 -0.08042364
> # Ellison suggestion - fancy, only works for simple functions
> dc <- deriv( expression( exp( a + b * t ) )
> , namevec = "t"
> )
> dcf <- function( t ) {
> cgm <- coef( graphmodeld )
> a <- cgm[ 1 ]
> b <- cgm[ 2 ]
> eval(dc)
> }
> result <- dcf( nd )
> result
> #> [1] 46.13085 16.58317 11.79125
> #> attr(,"gradient")
> #> t
> #> [1,] -0.31464113
> #> [2,] -0.11310757
> #> [3,] -0.08042364
> attr( result, "gradient" )[ , 1 ]
> #> [1] -0.31464113 -0.11310757 -0.08042364
> #################
> On Fri, 6 Apr 2018, David Winsemius wrote:
>>> On Apr 6, 2018, at 8:03 AM, David Winsemius <dwinsemius using comcast.net> wrote:
>>>> On Apr 6, 2018, at 3:43 AM, g l <gnulinux using gmx.com> wrote:
>>>>> Sent: Friday, April 06, 2018 at 5:55 AM
>>>>> From: "David Winsemius" <dwinsemius using comcast.net>
>>>>> Not correct. You already have `predict`. It is capale of using the `newdata` values to do interpolation with the
>>>>> values of the coefficients in the model. See:
>>>>> ?predict
>>>> The ? details did not mention interpolation explicity; thanks.
>>>>> The original question asked for a derivative (i.e. a "gradient"), but so far it's not clear that you understand the
>>>>> mathematical definiton of that term. We also remain unclear whether this is homework.
>>>> The motivation of this post was simple differentiation of a tangent point (dy/dx) manually, then wondering how to
>>>> re-think in modern-day computing terms. Hence the original question about asking the appropriate functions/syntax to
>>>> read further ("curiosity"), not the answer (indeed, "homework"). :)
>>>> Personal curiosity should be considered "homework".
>>> Besides symbolic differentiation, there is also the option of numeric differentiation. Here's an amateurish attempt:
>>> myNumDeriv <- function(x){ (exp( predict (graphmodeld, newdata=data.frame(t=x+.0001))) -
>>> exp( predict (graphmodeld, newdata=data.frame(t=x) )))/
>>> .0001 }
>>> myNumDeriv(c(100, 250, 350))
>> I realized that this would not work in the context of your construction. I had earlier made a more symbolic version
>> using R formulae:
>> graphdata<-read.csv(text='t,c
>> 0,100
>> 40,78
>> 80,59
>> 120,38
>> 160,25
>> 200,21
>> 240,16
>> 280,12
>> 320,10
>> 360,9
>> 400,7')
>> graphmodeld<-lm(log(c)~t, graphdata)
>> graphmodelp<-exp(predict(graphmodeld))
>> plot(c~t, graphdata)
>> lines(graphdata[,1],graphmodelp)
>> myNumDeriv(c(100, 250, 350), graphmodeld )
>> #----------------------------------------------
>> 1 2 3
>> -0.31464102 -0.11310753 -0.05718414
>>> David Winsemius
>>> Alameda, CA, USA
>>> 'Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced.' -Gehm's Corollary to Clarke's Third Law
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>> David Winsemius
>> Alameda, CA, USA
>> 'Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced.' -Gehm's Corollary to Clarke's Third Law
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> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
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