[R] Fail to save an object using name as string
Marc Girondot
m@rc_grt @ending from y@hoo@fr
Tue Apr 10 06:11:49 CEST 2018
Dear list member,
I think that I have detected a strange behavior of the save() command:
> year <- "2000"
> assign(paste0("Var_", year), list(A=10, B=20))
> get(paste0("Var_", year))
[1] 10
[1] 20
# At this point all is ok, I have created a list of name Var_2000
> save(paste0("Var_", year), file=paste0("Var_", year, ".Rdata"))
Error in save(paste0("Var_", year), file = paste0("Var_", year,
".Rdata")) :
objet ‘paste0("Var_", year)’ introuvable
(introuvable=cannot be found)
> save("Var_2000", file=paste0("Var_", year, ".Rdata"))
When I read the help for save: ?save
... the names of the objects to be saved (as symbols or character
I checked if paste0("Var_", year) produced a character string:
> str("Var_2000")
chr "Var_2000"
> str(paste0("Var_", year))
chr "Var_2000"
The solution was to include the name in the list argument:
> save(list=paste0("Var_", year), file=paste0("Var_", year, ".Rdata"))
But I don't understand what is the difference between "Var_2000" and
paste0("Var_", year) as both produced the same output.
Thanks for your help,
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