[R] To implement OO or not in R package, and if so, how to structure it?
Alexander Shenkin
ashenkin at ufl.edu
Thu Sep 14 16:27:55 CEST 2017
>>> Did you read this?
>>> https://cran.r-project.org/doc/contrib/Leisch-CreatingPackages.pdf
>>> Maybe it could give you some insight in how to create package.
>> That resource is ~9 years old. There are more modern treatments available. You
>> can read mine at http://r-pkgs.had.co.nz.
>> Hadley
Thanks both. I'm reading through your new book now Hadley... thanks for
that. I'll probably take a shot at building a class to hold one tree
per object, and search for objects of a class (per
to implement collections when necessary...
It does seem like there might be niche out there for a resource for
folks deciding how to structure their package given what they're trying
to provide; i.e. should they construct a collection of functions, or
class defs, or... Could well exist already, and I may just have missed
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