[R] installing "rgl" package

Dirk Eddelbuettel edd at debian.org
Fri Nov 24 23:45:47 CET 2017

On 24 November 2017 at 11:30, Santosh wrote:
| Hi All, Duncan, Rolf, Ista, DIrk,
| Thanks for the suggestions and I tried all of them (as suggested by Duncan,
| Rolf, Ista and Dirk)... I still get similar error as before while
| installing 'rgl' package.. I also tried to manually configure "rgl" and got
| an error message (please see below for the verbatim output).  Would highly
| any further ideas/suggestions!
| *In my system, "GL" library is present under "/usr/include/GL"*
| Here are the libraries available (as suggested by Rolf)
| After installing some of them, I continue to get the same error message,
| please below the output messages in config.log after I ran "./configure")
| "ii  r-cran-rgl                            0.93.996-1
|         amd64        GNU R package for three-dimensional visualisation
| using OpenGL"

That means you _have_ the rgl package installed, and can stop everything you
are doing.

You do _not_ need to install it from source via R. You have it from Ubuntu.


http://dirk.eddelbuettel.com | @eddelbuettel | edd at debian.org

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