[R] adding percentage secondary y-axis

Eliza Botto eliza_botto at outlook.com
Thu Nov 23 18:28:22 CET 2017

Thank you very much peter.

It worked out nicely.

I have additional question. How can I get Y-axis on log-scale?

Thank you very much in Advance,



From: PIKAL Petr <petr.pikal at precheza.cz>
Sent: 23 November 2017 16:22:39
To: Eliza Botto; r-help at r-project.org
Subject: RE: adding percentage secondary y-axis


It is usually not recommended but if you insist

twoord.plot(lx=D[,1],ly=D[,2], rx=D[,1], ry=D[,3])


plot.yy(x=D[,1],yright=D[,3], yleft=D[,2])

which allows only one x axis (see below).


plot.yy <- function (x, yright, yleft, yleftlim = NULL, yrightlim = NULL,
    xlab = NULL, yylab = list(NA, NA), pch = c(1, 2),
    col = c(1,2), linky = F, smooth = 0, lwds = 1, length = 10,
        format = "%d/%m", rect = NULL, type = "p", ...)
    par(mar = c(5, 4, 4, 2), oma = c(0, 0, 0, 3))
    plot(x, yright, ylim = yrightlim, axes = F, ylab = "", xlab = xlab,
        pch = pch[1], col = col[1], type = type, ...)
    if (!is.null(rect))
        rect(x[rect[1]], rect[2], x[rect[3]], rect[4], col = "grey")
    points(x, yright, ylim = yrightlim, ylab = "", xlab = xlab,
        pch = pch[1], col = col[1], ...)
    axis(4, pretty(range(yright, na.rm = T), 10), col = col[1])
    if (linky)
        lines(x, yright, col = col[1], ...)
    if (smooth != 0)
        lines(supsmu(x, yright, span = smooth), col = col[1],
            lwd = lwds, ...)
    if (is.na(yylab[[1]]))
        mtext(deparse(substitute(yright)), side = 4, outer = T,
            line = 1, col = col[1], ...)
    else mtext(yylab[[1]], side = 4, outer = T, line = 1, col = col[1],
    par(new = T)
    plot(x, yleft, ylim = yleftlim, ylab = "", axes = F, xlab = xlab,
        pch = pch[2], col = col[2], ...)
    axis(2, pretty(range(yleft, na.rm = T), 10), col = col[2],
        col.axis = col[2])
    if (!inherits(x, c("Date", "POSIXt")))
        axis(1, pretty(range(x, na.rm = T), 10))
    else {
        if (inherits(x, "POSIXt")) {
            l <- length(x)
            axis(1, at = x[seq(1, l, length = length)],
            labels = format(as.POSIXct(x[seq(1,l, length = length)]),
            format = format))
        else {
            if (inherits(x, "Date")) {
                l <- length(x)
                axis(1, at = x[seq(1, l, length = length)],
                labels = format(as.Date(x[seq(1,l, length = length)]),
                format = format))
            else {
                print("Not suitable x axis")
    if (is.na(yylab[[2]]))
        mtext(deparse(substitute(yleft)), side = 2, line = 2,
            col = col[2], ...)
    else mtext(yylab[[2]], side = 2, line = 2, col = col[2],
    if (linky)
        lines(x, yleft, col = col[2], lty = 2, ...)
    if (smooth != 0)
        lines(supsmu(x, yleft, span = smooth), col = col[2],
            lty = 2, lwd = lwds, ...)

> -----Original Message-----
> From: R-help [mailto:r-help-bounces at r-project.org] On Behalf Of Eliza Botto
> Sent: Thursday, November 23, 2017 3:31 PM
> To: r-help at r-project.org
> Subject: [R] adding percentage secondary y-axis
> Dear useRs,
> I have this dataset (D) with three columns.
> > dput(D)
> structure(c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20,
> 2.990484802, 3.005018792, 3.019552781, 3.03408677, 3.048620759,
> 3.063154749, 3.077688738, 3.092222727, 3.106756717, 3.121290706,
> 3.135824695, 3.150358684, 3.164892674, 3.179426663, 3.193960652,
> 3.208494642, 3.223028631, 3.23756262, 3.252096609, 3.266630599,
> 0.488381368, 0.976762736, 1.465144104, 1.953525472, 2.44190684,
> 2.930288208, 3.418669576, 3.907050944, 4.395432311, 4.883813679,
> 5.372195047, 5.860576415, 6.348957783, 6.837339151, 7.325720519,
> 7.814101887, 8.302483255, 8.790864623, 9.279245991, 9.767627359), .Dim =
> c(20L, 3L))
> The first column represents the index values while the second column contains
> the response values. The third column in actually the percentage increase in the
> response values by increasing a unit index value.
> I made a plot and obtained a single line by;
> >plot(D[,1],D[,2],type="l")
> The primary y-axis represents the usual response values. Now I want to add a
> secondary y-axis representing  the percentage value shown against response
> value. So that, when a reader sees the graph she could easily visualize not only
> the decimal response value but also the percentage increase against that
> response value from the secondary axis without plotting any extra line.
> I thank you in advance,
> Stay Blessed!!!!
> Eliza
> UoS
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