[R] R6 object that is a list of referenced object

Cristina Pascual crosspide at hotmail.com
Wed Nov 15 19:55:53 CET 2017

Dear community,

I am having a class, let's say Person,

Person <-  R6Class("Person",
                     public = list(
                       idPerson = NULL,
                       name = NULL,
                       age = NULL,
                       initialize = function(idPerson = NA, name = NA, age = NA) {
                        self$idPerson <- idPerson
                        self$name <- name
                        self$age <- age
                     ) # public

) # Person

I have created:
Person1 <- Person$new(1,'a',4)
Person2 <- Person$new(2,'b',5)

and I also have a class Community:

Community <- R6Class("Community",
                 public = list(
                   e = NULL,
                   initialize = function() self$e <- Person$new()

I want to create

Community1 = List<Person>

and add Person1 and Person2 to Community1 (Community1 <- Community1$add(Person1)
                                                                                    Community1 <- Community1$add(Person2)


How can I write this with R6? I cannot find the proper example in the website.

Can anybody help me?

Thanks in advance,

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