[R] p-value=0 running log-rank test
Anne Karin da Mota Borges
annekarinmm at gmail.com
Fri May 19 02:48:19 CEST 2017
Dear all,
I have a question concerning the p-value. When running log-rank test I get
a p-value = 0.
What is it mean? Can this be true? Why aren´t there decimal points? Is
there a way to find out the exact p-value?
Here is the output:
> survdiff(Surv(tempo2,status)~tphist, data=base,rho=0)
survdiff(formula = Surv(tempo2, status) ~ tphist, data = base,
rho = 0)
N Observed Expected (O-E)^2/E (O-E)^2/V
tphist=1 513 19 40.879 11.710 9.00e+01
tphist=2 49 4 3.892 0.003 3.27e-03
tphist=3 23 9 1.686 31.717 3.29e+01
tphist=4 18 15 0.543 385.172 3.91e+02
Chisq= 430 on 3 degrees of freedom, p= 0
Thank you in advance.
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