[R] Superscript and subscrib R for legend x-axis and y-axis and colour different subjects in longitudinal data with different colours

Rosa Oliveira rosita21 at gmail.com
Fri Jul 28 17:07:23 CEST 2017

I am trying to make a x-axis and y-axis titles with both a special character and a subscript. I am not being able to do this. I think its just a placing of my parenthesis, but I've tried (seemingly) everything.

Even more, when I try the blog users code it works.


Is it because I’m using longitudinal data?


Even more. Is it possible to colour each one of the 15 lines with a different colour?




beta0 = rnorm (15, 1, .5)
beta1 = rnorm (15, -1, .5)

tempo = seq(1:5)

CRP7raw = matrix(NA, 15, 5)
CRP7 = matrix(NA, 15, 5)
CRP98raw = matrix(NA, 15, 5)
CRP98 = matrix(NA, 15, 5)

crp <- for (i in 1:15) {
  CRP7raw[i,] = beta0[i] + beta1[i] * tempo 
  CRP7[i,] =    CRP7raw[i,] + rnorm(5, 0, 2.14)
  CRP98raw[i,] = beta0[i] + beta1[i] * tempo 
  CRP98[i,] =    CRP98raw[i,] + rnorm(5, 0, .1)

# plot(c(1:5), CRP7raw[1,], type = "n", xlim=c(1,5), ylim=c(-10,5) , 
#      xlab="Day in ICU", 
#      ylab="CRP (mg/dL)",
#      sub = mtext(expression(paste(lambda)))
# CRP7graph <- apply(CRP7, 1, lines, col="gray")

# plot(c(1:5), CRP98raw[1,], type = "n", xlim=c(1,5), ylim=c(-10,5), 
#      xlab="Day in ICU", 
#      ylab="CRP (mg/dL)")
# CRP98graph <- apply(CRP98, 1, lines, col="gray")


plot(c(1:5), CRP7raw[1,], type = "n", xlim=c(1,5), ylim=c(-10,5) , 
     sub = "lambda = 0.7")
     CRP7graph <- apply(CRP7, 1, lines, col="gray")
     plot(c(1:5), CRP98raw[1,], type = "n", xlim=c(1,5), ylim=c(-10,5), 
          xlab="Day in ICU", 
          ylab="CRP (mg/dL",
          sub = "lambda = 0.98")
     CRP98graph <- apply(CRP98, 1, lines, col="gray")

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