[R] setwd in windows

Duncan Murdoch murdoch.duncan at gmail.com
Fri Jul 14 14:39:36 CEST 2017

On 14/07/2017 7:42 AM, Troels Ring wrote:
> Dear friends - windows R 3.3.3 - sorry to ask a simple question - but I
> cannot make setwd work properly in scripts
> In the example below I have made a directory in C (firstdir) and a
> directory in that (secdir) and the intention is to change directory to
> the second from the first - it works when I put the entire path but not
> the tilde - what am I missing? I was around rwf 2.14 as per the help to
> setwd - to define the HOME - and redefine it. As I read 2.14 R_USER is
> used for HOME when set. To no avail.

The tilde is a Unix shell convention, it's not supported by Windows.  R 
emulates it, but you should expect some differences (as there are 
between Unix flavours).

To see what "~/secdir" is interpreted as, call path.expand().

On my system with Windows 10 in a VM:

 > path.expand("~/secdir")
[1] "C:\\Users\\murdoch\\Documents/secdir"
 > Sys.setenv(R_USER = "C:/firstdir")
 > path.expand("~/secdir")
[1] "C:\\Users\\murdoch\\Documents/secdir"

R sets the home directory during startup, it doesn't consult the R_USER 
variable every time it needs it.

Duncan Murdoch

> Best wishes
> Troels
> getwd()
> #[1] "C:/firstdir"
>   Sys.getenv("R_USER")
> #"C:\\Users\\Bruger\\Documents"
> dir()
> #[1] "chdir.R" "secdir"
> setwd("~/secdir")
> error in setwd("~/secdir") : cannot change working directory
> setwd("C:/firstdir/secdir")
> getwd()
> #"C:/firstdir/secdir"
> setwd("C:/firstdir")
> Sys.setenv(R_USER = "C:/firstdir")
> Sys.getenv("R_USER")
> setwd("~/secdir")
>       2.14 What are HOME and working directories?
> Several places in the documentation use these terms.
> The working directory is the directory from which|Rgui|or|Rterm|was
> launched, unless a shortcut was used when it is given by the ‘Start in’
> field of the shortcut’s properties. You can find this from R code by the
> call|getwd()|.
> The home directory is set as follows: If environment variable|R_USER|is
> set, its value is used. Otherwise if environment variable|HOME|is set,
> its value is used. After those two user-controllable settings, R tries
> to find system-defined home directories. It first tries to use the
> Windows "personal" directory (typicallyC:\Users\username\Documents). If
> that fails, if both environment variables|HOMEDRIVE|and|HOMEPATH|are set
> (and they normally are), the value is${HOMEDRIVE}${HOMEPATH}. If all of
> these fail, the current working directory is used.
> 	[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
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