[R] [FORGED] if and

Rolf Turner r.turner at auckland.ac.nz
Tue Feb 28 03:16:38 CET 2017

On 28/02/17 14:47, Val wrote:
> Currently I have  about  six or more  scripts that do the same job.  I
> thought it might be possible and more efficient to use one script by using
> IF ELSE statements. Here is an example but this will be expandable for
> several countries ans year-months
> Year-month = FEB2015, FEB2012,  Feb2010
>  country  = USA, CAN.MEX
> First I want to do if country = USA and year-month = FEB2015, FEB2012 do
> the statements
> second if country = CAN and year-month =Feb2010 do  the statements
> if(country="USA" & year-month = "FEB2015" | "FEB2012" ){
> statemnt1
> .
> statemnt10
> } else if (country="USA" & year-month ="FEB2015") {
> statemnt1
> .
> statemnt10
> }
> else
> {
> statemnt1
> .
> statemnt10
> }
> The above script did not work. is there a different ways of doing it?

Uh, yes.  Get the syntax right.  Use R, when you are using R.

Looking at ?Syntax and ?Logic might help you a bit.

Other than that, there's not much that one can say without seeing a 
reproducible example.  And if you sat down and wrote out a *reproducible 
example*, using correct R syntax, you probably wouldn't need any 
assistance from R-help.

Have you read any of the readily available R tutorials?  If not do so. 
If so, read them again and actually take note of what they say!


Rolf Turner

Technical Editor ANZJS
Department of Statistics
University of Auckland
Phone: +64-9-373-7599 ext. 88276

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