[R] single strip for the same group in dotplot lattice
Duncan Mackay
dulcalma at bigpond.com
Thu Feb 23 03:50:19 CET 2017
Hi Liugi
Here are some ideas quickly
4 panels diagonals are blank
mdata = my.data
mdata$ct <- paste(target, "Run", rep(1:2, each = 6))
mdata$typeT <- paste(mdata$target,mdata$type)
value ~ type|ct,
groups = typeT,
par.settings = list(strip.background = list(col="paleturquoise"),
superpose.symbol = list(col = c(2:4),
pch = rep(c(1,20),each = 3))),
# type
scales = list(alternating = FALSE, x = list(labels = c("", "", ""))),
main = "Luminex analysis MTb humans",
xlab = "Target",
ylab = "Reading",
auto.key = T,
panel = panel.superpose
# for when the 4 panels have plots not 2 as now
mdata2 = mdata
mdata2$target = rep(LETTERS[2:1], ea=6)
mdata2$value= mdata2$value+0.1
mdata2 <- rbind(mdata,mdata2)
mdata2$typeT <- paste(mdata2$target,mdata2$type)
value ~ type|target + cluster,
groups = typeT,
par.settings = list(strip.background = list(col="paleturquoise"),
superpose.symbol = list(col = c(2:4),
pch = rep(c(1,20),each =
3))), # type
scales = list(alternating = FALSE, x = list(labels = c("", "", ""))),
main = "Luminex analysis MTb humans",
xlab = "Target",
ylab = "Reading",
auto.key = T,
panel = panel.superpose
value ~ type|ct,
groups = typeT,
par.settings = list(strip.background = list(col="paleturquoise"),
superpose.symbol = list(col = c(2:4),
pch = rep(c(1,20),each =
3))), # type
scales = list(alternating = FALSE, x = list(labels = c("", "", ""))),
main = "Luminex analysis MTb humans",
strip = strip.custom(factor.levels = paste("Run",1:2),
par.strip.text = list(cex = 1) ),
xlab = "Target",
ylab = "Reading",
auto.key = T,
panel = panel.superpose
value ~ type|cluster,
groups = typeT,
par.settings = list(strip.background = list(col="paleturquoise"),
superpose.symbol = list(col = c(2:4),
pch = rep(c(1,20),each = 3))),
# type
scales = list(alternating = FALSE, x = list(labels = c("", "", ""))),
main = "Luminex analysis MTb humans",
xlab = "Target",
ylab = "Reading",
auto.key = T,
panel = panel.superpose
-----Original Message-----
From: R-help [mailto:r-help-bounces at r-project.org] On Behalf Of Luigi
Sent: Wednesday, 22 February 2017 21:26
To: P Tennant; r-help
Subject: Re: [R] single strip for the same group in dotplot lattice
Dear Philip,
the data is indeed a toy data: the real one will have 15 panels (=targets)
and two or three clusters. this means that I will have 15 strips with the
label "run 1" = "cluster 1" etc. the point of the toy data is that I get a
4x4 panel plot with 8 strips labelled "run 1", "run 2", "A" and "B". What I
am looking for is to collapse the strips so to get only one label "run 1"
and only one with "run 2" in order to simplify the plot. Hope this helps.
On Wed, Feb 22, 2017 at 9:53 AM, P Tennant <philipt900 at iinet.net.au> wrote:
> Hi Luigi,
> I'm afraid I don't understand your toy data as you've described it, but if
> you really don't have run 2 for target A, and don't have run 1 for target
> B, why not just create another factor that reflects this, and plot that?
> my.data$clus2 <- with(my.data, interaction(cluster, target))
> and call: dotplot(value ~ type| clus2, ... )
> Philip
> On 22/02/2017 8:03 PM, Luigi Marongiu wrote:
>> dear all,
>> I have a set of data that is subdivided in cluster (run 1/run 2) and in
>> target (A/B). When plotting, I obtain a panel strip with "run 1" and "run
>> 2" for each "A" and "B" panel, so "run 1" appears twice and so does "run
>> 2". It is possible to merge the strip together so that I will have "run
>> or "run 2" only once? this will reduce the complexity of the data and
>> allow
>> more space for more detailed information in the strip.
>> the data follows,
>> thank you
>> L
>> cluster<- c(rep("run_1", 6), rep("run_2", 6))
>> type<- rep(c("blank", "positive", "negative"),2)
>> target<- c(rep("A", 6), rep("B", 6))
>> value<- c(0.01, 1.1, 0.5,
>> 0.02, 1.6, 0.8,
>> 0.07, 1.4, 0.7,
>> 0.03, 1.4, 0.4)
>> my.data<- data.frame(cluster, type, target, value)
>> library(lattice)
>> dotplot(
>> value ~ type|target + cluster,
>> my.data,
>> groups = type,
>> pch=21,
>> main = "Luminex analysis MTb humans",
>> xlab = "Target", ylab = "Reading",
>> col = c("grey", "green", "red"),
>> par.settings = list(strip.background = list(col="paleturquoise")),
>> scales = list(alternating = FALSE, x = list(labels = c("", "", ""))),
>> key = list(
>> space = "top",
>> columns = 3,
>> text = list(c("Blank", "Negative", "Positive"), col="black"),
>> rectangles = list(col=c("grey", "green", "red"))
>> )
>> )
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