[R] Confused about using data.table package,

C W tmrsg11 at gmail.com
Tue Feb 21 22:40:30 CET 2017

Hi Carl,

I have not fully learned dplyr, but it seems harder than tapply() and the
?apply() family in general.

Almost every ggplot2 data I have seen is manipulated using dplyr. Something
must be good about dplyr.

aggregate(), tapply(), do.call(), rbind() will be sorely missed! :(


On Tue, Feb 21, 2017 at 4:21 PM, Carl Sutton <suttoncarl at ymail.com> wrote:

> Hi
> I have found that:
> A)  Hadley's new book to be wonderful on how to use dplyr, ggplot2 and his
> other packages.  Read this and using as a reference saves major frustration.
> b)  Data Camps courses on ggplot2 are also wonderful.  GGPLOT2 has more
> capability than I have mastered or needed.  To be an expert with ggplot2
> will take some effort.  To just get run of the mill helpful, beautiful
> plots, no major time needed for that.
> I use both of these sources regularly, especially when what is in my grey
> matter memory banks is not working.  Refreshers are sometimes needed.
> If your data sets are large and available memory limited, then data.table
> is the package I use.   I am amazed at the difference of memory usage with
> data.table versus other packages.  My laptop has 16gb ram, and tidyr maxed
> it but data.table melt used less than 6gb(if I remember correctly) on my
> current work.  Since discovering fread and fwrite, read.table, read.csv,
> and write have been benched.   Every script I have includes
> library(data.table)
> Carl Sutton

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