[R] Help with implementing Whittaker-Henderson graduation for raw-data

Percival Bueser percival_bueser at cocolife.com
Fri Feb 3 01:28:14 CET 2017

Good day!

I eventually was able to make the code anyway. Here it is:

datafile <- read.table("test_file.txt", header = TRUE)
var2 = datafile$y
d = 2
lambda = 1600
    require(SparseM, warn.conflicts = FALSE)
    m <- length(var2)
    E <- as(m, "matrix.diag.csr")
    class(E) <- "matrix.csr"
    Dmat <- diff(E, differences = d)
    B <- E + (lambda * t(Dmat) %*% Dmat)
    z <- solve(B, var2)
write.table(z, "C:/R/test.txt", sep="\t")  

(then transfer the results to Excel and that's it)



-----Original Message-----
From: Bert Gunter [mailto:bgunter.4567 at gmail.com] 
Sent: Friday, February 3, 2017 12:21 AM
To: Percival Bueser
Cc: R-help
Subject: Re: [R] Help with implementing Whittaker-Henderson graduation for raw-data


Please make at least a minimal effort to search before posting.

 A google search on "Whittaker-Henderson smoothing R" brought up what
appeared to me to be several relevant links. If I am wrong about this,
you should probably explain why in a further query.

Of course, in general, we do not write your code for you. This is just
"r-help" not a free r programming service. You need to show us your
code and the errors you got when you attempted to run it.


Bert Gunter

"The trouble with having an open mind is that people keep coming along
and sticking things into it."
-- Opus (aka Berkeley Breathed in his "Bloom County" comic strip )

On Wed, Feb 1, 2017 at 6:44 PM, Percival Bueser
<percival_bueser at cocolife.com> wrote:
> Good day everyone!
> I would appreciate if anyone can help me regarding the following: I would
> like to implement the Whittaker-Henderson smoothing to the raw data on the
> attached .txt file, based on the description on this link:
> https://artax.karlin.mff.cuni.cz/r-help/library/pracma/html/whittaker.html
> On the attached .txt file, The x's are the independent variables and the y's
> are the dependent variables. The signal to be smoothed is y, lambda = 1600
> and d = 2.
> Can anyone please send me a sample R script, or a link to an R script which
> I can adapt, where I can get both the (1) smoothed graph and the (2)
> smoothed values of y for each x given, and then import both the smoothed
> graph and the smoothed values of y to Microsoft Excel?
> Thank you very much.
> Regards,
> Percy
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