[R] beginner question: subset first entry (row) per week - found the answer myself :-)
Ramgad82 at gmx.net
Fri Feb 3 09:05:58 CET 2017
Dear all,
Now, all the sudden I found the answer myself :-)
I did it by:
ddply(exdatframe,.(week),function(x) head(x,1))
I'll simply do it for Ernie and Cookiemonster seperate - that is not a
big problem.
Thanks anyway for your engagement in this group!
Am 02.02.2017 um 22:04 schrieb Dagmar:
> Dear knowing people,
> I have a data frame like this.
> exdatframe <- data.frame(Name=c("Ernie","Ernie","Ernie",
> "CookieMonster","CookieMonster","CookieMonster"),
> recordedTime=as.POSIXct(strptime(as.character("01.01.2017","02.01.2011","03.01.2011",
> "01.01.2011","02.01.2011","03.01.2011"),"%d.%m.%Y")),
> week =c(1,2,2,
> 1,2,2),
> eatencookies=c(1,0.5,0.001,
> 50,51,200))
> exdatframe
> #Now I want a new dataframe with only the first row per week (i.e. I
> want to know how many cookies were eaten at the first recorded day of
> each week). Something like that:
> exdatframe2 <- data.frame(Name=c("Ernie","Ernie",
> "CookieMonster","CookieMonster"),
> recordedTime=c("01.01.2017","02.01.2011",
> "01.01.2011","02.01.2011"),
> week =c(1,2,
> 1,2),
> eatencookies=c(1,0.5,
> 50,51))
> exdatframe2
> # How do I do that? I thought it must be something with tapply or
> subset - but I just don't get it....
> # would be great if someone helps.
> # Dagmar
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