[R] Function that works within a package and not when copied in global environment. Why?
Bert Gunter
bgunter.4567 at gmail.com
Thu Feb 2 17:48:52 CET 2017
Try: nlWaldTest:::vectorize.args (3 colons)
Your error message said it was *not* exported, so you need 3 colons
(which, in general, is a bad idea.It's usually not exported for a
I presume vectorize.args is is in the environment of the function
copied from the name space, because functions are actually closures
that include (pointers to) their environments; whereas it is certainly
not part of the (global) environment, the environment of the manually
created function by copy-paste of the code.
If I am wrong about this, I would appreciate a correction by someone
with better understanding of such subtleties than I.
-- Bert
Bert Gunter
"The trouble with having an open mind is that people keep coming along
and sticking things into it."
-- Opus (aka Berkeley Breathed in his "Bloom County" comic strip )
On Thu, Feb 2, 2017 at 8:34 AM, Marc Girondot <marc_grt at yahoo.fr> wrote:
> Thanks Bert for the explanation about identical.
> For the vectorize.args, note that vectorize.args is not a function but an
> variable that is unknown in the namespace nlWaldTest.
>> nlWaldTest::vectorize.args
> Erreur : 'vectorize.args' n'est pas un objet exporté depuis
> 'namespace:nlWaldTest'
> Furthermore, if the function is created from a copy of the original one:
> smartsub <- getFromNamespace(".smartsub", ns="nlWaldTest")
> or if it is created manually: by copy-paste of the code:
> smartsub2 <- function (pat, repl, x)
> {
> args <- lapply(as.list(match.call())[-1L], eval, parent.frame())
> names <- if (is.null(names(args)))
> character(length(args))
> else names(args)
> dovec <- names %in% vectorize.args
> do.call("mapply", c(FUN = FUN, args[dovec], MoreArgs =
> list(args[!dovec]),
> }
> Both are defined in the global env, but the first one works and not the
> second one.
> I am surprised and don't understand how it is possible.
> Sincerely
> Marc Girondot
>> 2. You need to review how namespaces work. From the "Writing R
>> extensions" manual:
>> "The namespace controls the search strategy for variables used by
>> **functions in the package**. If not found locally, R searches the
>> package namespace first, then the imports, then the base namespace and
>> then the normal search path."
>> So if vectorize.args() is among the package functions, it will be
>> found by package functions but not by those you write unless
>> specifically qualified by :: or ::: depending on whether it is
>> exported.
>> Cheers,
>> Bert
>> Bert Gunter
>> "The trouble with having an open mind is that people keep coming along
>> and sticking things into it."
>> -- Opus (aka Berkeley Breathed in his "Bloom County" comic strip )
>> On Thu, Feb 2, 2017 at 6:30 AM, Marc Girondot via R-help
>> <r-help at r-project.org> wrote:
>>> Dear experts,
>>> In the package nlWaldTest, there is an hidden function : .smartsub
>>> I can use it, for example:
>>>> getFromNamespace(".smartsub", ns="nlWaldTest")(pat="x", repl="b" ,
>>> x="essai(b[1], b[2], x[1])")
>>> [1] "essai(b[1], b[2], b[1])"
>>> Now I try to create this function in my global environment:
>>> smartsub <- getFromNamespace(".smartsub", ns="nlWaldTest")
>>> It works also:
>>>> smartsub(pat="x", repl="b" , x="essai(b[1], b[2], x[1])")
>>> [1] "essai(b[1], b[2], b[1])"
>>> But if I create the function manually:
>>>> smartsub2 <- function (pat, repl, x)
>>> {
>>> args <- lapply(as.list(match.call())[-1L], eval, parent.frame())
>>> names <- if (is.null(names(args)))
>>> character(length(args))
>>> else names(args)
>>> dovec <- names %in% vectorize.args
>>> do.call("mapply", c(FUN = FUN, args[dovec], MoreArgs =
>>> list(args[!dovec]),
>>> }
>>>> smartsub2(pat="x", repl="b" , x="essai(b[1], b[2], x[1])")
>>> Error in names %in% vectorize.args : objet 'vectorize.args' introuvable
>>> It fails because vectorize.args is unknown
>>> Indeed smartsub2 is different from smartsub.
>>>> identical(smartsub, smartsub2)
>>> [1] FALSE
>>> 1/ Why are they different? They are just a copy of each other.
>>> 2/ Second question, vectorize.args is indeed not defined before to be
>>> used
>>> in the function. Why no error is produced in original function?
>>> Thanks a lot
>>> Marc
>>> --
>>> __________________________________________________________
>>> Marc Girondot, Pr
>>> Laboratoire Ecologie, Systématique et Evolution
>>> Equipe de Conservation des Populations et des Communautés
>>> CNRS, AgroParisTech et Université Paris-Sud 11 , UMR 8079
>>> Bâtiment 362
>>> 91405 Orsay Cedex, France
>>> Tel: 33 1 (0) Fax: 33 1 (0)
>>> e-mail: marc.girondot at u-psud.fr
>>> Web: http://www.ese.u-psud.fr/epc/conservation/Marc.html
>>> Skype: girondot
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