[R] Help with implementing Whittaker-Henderson graduation for raw-data

Percival Bueser percival_bueser at cocolife.com
Thu Feb 2 03:44:54 CET 2017

Good day everyone!

I would appreciate if anyone can help me regarding the following: I would
like to implement the Whittaker-Henderson smoothing to the raw data on the
attached .txt file, based on the description on this link:


On the attached .txt file, The x's are the independent variables and the y's
are the dependent variables. The signal to be smoothed is y, lambda = 1600
and d = 2.

Can anyone please send me a sample R script, or a link to an R script which
I can adapt, where I can get both the (1) smoothed graph and the (2)
smoothed values of y for each x given, and then import both the smoothed
graph and the smoothed values of y to Microsoft Excel?

Thank you very much.



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