[R] Finding center of mass in a hydrologic time series
Eric Berger
ericjberger at gmail.com
Mon Dec 18 16:42:38 CET 2017
Hi Eric,
the following works for me.
StartDate <- "1990-10-01"
EndDate <- "2017-09-30"
siteNumber <- "10310000"
QParameterCd <- "00060"
Daily <- readNWISDaily(siteNumber, QParameterCd, StartDate, EndDate)
# Define 'center of mass' function
com <- function(x) {
match(TRUE, cumsum(x/sum(x)) > 0.5) - 1
wyrs <- unique(Daily$waterYear)
x <- as.Date(sapply( wyrs, function(yr) { Df <-
Daily[Daily$waterYear==yr,]; Df$Date[com(Df$Q)] } ), "1970-01-01")
On Mon, Dec 18, 2017 at 4:47 PM, Morway, Eric <emorway at usgs.gov> wrote:
> Eric B's response provided just the kind of quick & simple solution I was
> hoping for (appears as the function com below). However, I once again
> failed to take advantage of the power of R and have reverted back to using
> a for loop for the next step of the processing. The example below (which
> requires the library EGRET for pulling an example dataset) works, but
> probably can be replaced with some version of the apply functionality? So
> far, I've been unable to figure out how to enter the arguments to the apply
> function. The idea is this: for each unique water year (variable 'wyrs' in
> example below) in a 27 year continuous time series of daily values, find
> the date of the 'center of mass', and build a vector of those dates.
> Thanks, -Eric M
> library(EGRET)
> StartDate <- "1990-10-01"
> EndDate <- "2017-09-30"
> siteNumber <- "10310000"
> QParameterCd <- "00060"
> Daily <- readNWISDaily(siteNumber, QParameterCd, StartDate, EndDate)
> # Define 'center of mass' function
> com <- function(x) {
> match(TRUE, cumsum(x/sum(x)) > 0.5) - 1
> }
> wyrs <- unique(Daily$waterYear)
> for(i in (1:length(wyrs))){
> OneYr <- Daily[Daily$waterYear==wyrs[i], ]
> mid <- com(OneYr$Q)
> if(i==1){
> midPts <- as.Date(OneYr$Date[mid])
> } else {
> midPts <- c(midPts, as.Date(OneYr$Date[mid]))
> }
> }
> Eric Morway
> Research Hydrologist
> Nevada Water Science Center
> U.S. Geological Survey
> 2730 N. Deer Run Rd.
> <https://maps.google.com/?q=2730+N.+Deer+Run+Rd.Carson+City,+NV+89701+(775&entry=gmail&source=g>
> Carson City, NV 89701
> <https://maps.google.com/?q=2730+N.+Deer+Run+Rd.Carson+City,+NV+89701+(775&entry=gmail&source=g>
> (775
> <https://maps.google.com/?q=2730+N.+Deer+Run+Rd.Carson+City,+NV+89701+(775&entry=gmail&source=g>)
> 887-7668
> *orcid*: 0000-0002-8553-6140 <http://orcid.org/0000-0002-8553-6140>
> On Sat, Dec 16, 2017 at 5:32 AM, Eric Berger <ericjberger at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi Eric,
>> How about
>> match( TRUE, cumsum(hyd/sum(hyd)) > .5 ) - 1
>> HTH,
>> Eric
>> On Sat, Dec 16, 2017 at 3:18 PM, Morway, Eric <emorway at usgs.gov> wrote:
>>> The small bit of script below is an example of what I'm attempting to do
>>> -
>>> find the day on which the 'center of mass' occurs. In case that is the
>>> wrong term, I'd like to know the day that essentially cuts the area under
>>> the curve in to two equal parts:
>>> set.seed(4004)
>>> Date <- seq(as.Date('2000-09-01'), as.Date('2000-09-30'), by='day')
>>> hyd <- ((100*(sin(seq(0.5,4.5,length.out=30))+10) +
>>> seq(45,1,length.out=30)) + rnorm(30)*8) - 800
>>> # View the example curve
>>> plot(Date, hyd, las=1)
>>> # By trial-and-error, the day on which the center of mass occurs is the
>>> 11th day:
>>> # Add up the area under the curve for the first 11 days and compare
>>> # with the last 19 days:
>>> sum(hyd[1:11])
>>> # 3546.364
>>> sum(hyd[12:30])
>>> # 3947.553
>>> # Add up the area under the curve for the first 12 days and compare
>>> # with the last 18 days:
>>> sum(hyd[1:12])
>>> # 3875.753
>>> sum(hyd[13:30])
>>> # 3618.164
>>> By day 12, the halfway point has already been passed, so the answer that
>>> would be returned would be:
>>> Date[11]
>>> # "2000-09-11"
>>> For the larger problem, it'd be handy if the proposed function could
>>> process a multi-year time series (a runoff hydrograph) and return the day
>>> of the center of mass for each year in the time series.
>>> I appreciate any pointers...Eric
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