[R] Rcpp, dyn.load and C++ problems
Martin Møller Skarbiniks Pedersen
traxplayer at gmail.com
Sun Dec 3 02:06:08 CET 2017
I have written a small C++ function and compile it.
However in R I can't see the function I have defined in C++.
I have read some web-pages about Rcpp and C++ but it is a bit confusion
for me.
This is the C++-code:
#include <Rcpp.h>
using namespace Rcpp;
// [[Rcpp::export]]
List compute_values_cpp(int totalPoints = 1e5, double angle_increment =
0.01, int radius = 400, double grow = 3.64) {
double xn = 0.5;
double angle = 0.1;
double xn_plus_one, yn_plus_one;
NumericVector x(totalPoints);
NumericVector y(totalPoints);
for (int i=0; i<totalPoints; i++) {
xn_plus_one = xn*cos(angle)*radius;
yn_plus_one = xn*sin(angle)*radius;
angle += angle_increment;
xn = grow*xn*(1-xn);
x[i] = xn_plus_one;
y[i] = yn_plus_one;
return List::create(Rcpp::Named("x") = x, Rcpp::Named("y") = y);
And I compile it like this:
PKG_CXXFLAGS=$(Rscript -e 'Rcpp:::CxxFlags()') \
PKG_LIBS=$(Rscript -e 'Rcpp:::LdFlags()') \
R CMD SHLIB logistic_map.cpp
without problems and I get a logistic_map.so file as expected.
However in R:
R> dyn.load("logistic_map.so")
R> compute_values_cpp()
Error in compute_values_cpp() :
could not find function "compute_values_cpp"
Please advise,
What piece of the puzzle is missing?
Martin M. S. Pedersen
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