[R] Looking for a package to replace xtable
Bruce Ratner PhD
br at dmstat1.com
Fri Apr 21 22:25:24 CEST 2017
Response=rbinom(50,1,0.2), and yhat=runif(50) are simulating the output of a say logistic model, where Response is actual 0-1 responses, and yhat is the predicted
response variable.
I usually resample the original data to get some noise out of the data. I find it valuable if I can resample from a large sample than the original.
(I know this is viewed by some as unorthodox.)
Your point: I only need Response as a column vector.
That said, what would you alter, please?
Thanks for your time.
Bruce Ratner PhD
The Significant Statistician™
(516) 791-3544
Statistical Predictive Analytics -- www.DMSTAT1.com
Machine-Learning Data Mining -- www.GenIQ.net
> On Apr 21, 2017, at 3:43 PM, David L Carlson <dcarlson at tamu.edu> wrote:
> You have an issue at the top with
> Resp <- data.frame(Response=rbinom(50,1,0.2), yhat=runif(50))
> Resp <- Resp[order(Response$yhat,decreasing=TRUE),]
> Since Response$yhat has not been defined at this point. Presumably you want
> Resp <- Resp[order(Resp$yhat,decreasing=TRUE),]
> The main issue is that you have a variable Response that is located in a data frame called ResponseX10.
> In creating cum_R you need
> cum_R <- with(ResponseX10, cumsum(Response))
> then dec_mean
> dec_mean <- with(ResponseX10, aggregate(Response, by=list(decc), mean))
> then dd
> dd <- with(ResponseX10, cbind(Response, dd_))
> You might consider if Response really needs to be inside a data frame that consists of a single column (maybe you do if you need to keep track of the row numbers). If you just worked with the vector Response, you would not have to use with() or attach().
> I'm not sure what the first few lines of your code are intended to do. You choose random binomial values and uniform random values and then order the first by the second. But rbinom() is selecting random values so what is the purpose of randomizing random values? If the real data consist of a vector of 1's and 0's and those need to be randomized, sample(data) will do it for you.
> Then those numbers are replicated 10 times. Why not just select 500 values using rbinom() initially?
> David C
> -----Original Message-----
> From: BR_email [mailto:br at dmstat1.com]
> Sent: Friday, April 21, 2017 1:22 PM
> To: David L Carlson <dcarlson at tamu.edu>; r-help at r-project.org
> Subject: Re: [R] Looking for a package to replace xtable
> David:
> I tried somethings and got a little more working.
> Now, I am struck at last line provided: "dec_mean <-
> aggregate(Response ~ decc, dd, mean)"
> Any help is appreciated.
> Bruce
> *****
> Resp <- data.frame(Response=rbinom(50,1,0.2), yhat=runif(50))
> Resp <- Resp[order(Response$yhat,decreasing=TRUE),]
> ResponseX10 <- do.call(rbind, replicate(10, Resp, simplify=FALSE))
> str(ResponseX10)
> ResponseX10 <- ResponseX10[order(ResponseX10$yhat,decreasing=TRUE),]
> str(ResponseX10)
> head(ResponseX10)
> ResponseX10[[2]] <- NULL
> ResponseX10 <- data.frame(ResponseX10)
> str(ResponseX10)
> cum_R <- cumsum(Response)
> cum_R
> sam_size <- n
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