[R] warning.expression?

Cole Arendt cole.arendt at outlook.com
Thu Apr 20 16:30:35 CEST 2017

>  It seems a bit dumb that warning.expression functions can only say
>  "Hey, something a bit iffy may have ocurred, but I dont know what and I
>  dont know where!". Maybe there's something in that cptr->cloenv that can
>  tell you...

The way that I intend to begin using this is with non-standard evaluation and traceback() to determine the context of all warnings in a use case similar to yours.  In particular, traceback(0) will print the entire call stack.  As a result, wrapping the logging / printing into a substitute() call will cause the expression to be evaluated appropriately on a warning event.  If you want to skip a few messages in the call stack, change the integer you are passing (i.e. traceback(6) will ignore 6 messages at the end of the call stack - where internals are being called).

Note that I am using the logging package here, which seems that it might fit your use case nicely, if configured appropriately.  Documentation here: http://logging.r-forge.r-project.org/

options( warning.expression = {
    for (m in rev(traceback(0))) {

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