[R] rdb and rds files include abolute file paths / help understanding how lazy-load dbs are created

Philip Rinn rinni at inventati.org
Wed Apr 19 23:40:05 CEST 2017


On 12.04.2017 at 08:09, Jeff Newmiller wrote:

> Someone might respond here anyway, but I think this is more of an R-devel
> question.

I tired R-devel before[1] with no response :(.

> Anyway, as long as the package file after installation has appropriate file
> names for where it is installed, what does it matter what is in the files
> before installation?

That's actually the point. In the installed .rd[bs] files the absolute file paths
are still present but often[2] the referenced files don't even exist on the
computer the packaged is installed. My approach therefore is to replace those
absolute paths by relative[3] paths. But to do so I need to understand where
exactly those absolute paths are injected in the files - that's why I asked for
help in my fist mail - sorry for not being clear enough.


[1] https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-devel/2017-April/074016.html
[2] At least on Linux for packages installed via the distribution packages system.
And I think this also holds for prebuild windows/mac builds from cran.
[3] Relative to teh root directory of the package source

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