[R] average at specific hour "endpoints" of the day

Jeff Newmiller jdnewmil at dcn.davis.ca.us
Thu Apr 6 18:19:29 CEST 2017

On Thu, 6 Apr 2017, Massimo Bressan wrote:

> hello
> given my reproducible example
> #---
> date<-seq(ISOdate(2017,1, 1, 0), by="hour", length.out = 48)
> v1<-1:48
> df<-data.frame(date,v1)
> #--

"date" and "df" are functions in base R... best to avoid hiding them by 
re-using those names in the global environment

ISOdate forces GMT, which many data sets that you might work with do NOT 
use. It is better to use ISOdatetime to avoid letting hidden code 
determine the timezone that is applied to (or compared with) your data.

> I need to calculate the average of variable v1 at specific hour "endpoints" of the day: i.e. at hours 6.00 and 22.00 respectively
> the desired result is
> date v1
> 01/01/17 22:00 15.5
> 02/01/17 06:00 27.5
> 02/01/17 22:00 39.5
> at hour 06:00 of each day the average is calculated by considering the 8 previous records (hours from 23:00 to 6:00)
> at hour 22:00 of each day the average is calculated by considering the 16 previous records (hours from 7:00 to 22:00)
> any hint please?
> I've been trying with some functions within the "xts" package but withouth much result...

I am not sure how I would do this with xts, but the below code is one 
fairly literal approach (implemented two ways) to translate your 
requirements that is also potentially extensible if the data or 
requirements change.

### Base R....

Sys.setenv( TZ = "Etc/GMT+5" ) # selected arbitrarily here but not left to
                                # the system to decide
dta <- data.frame( datetime = seq( ISOdatetime( 2017,1, 1, 0, 0, 0 )
                                  , by="hour"
                                  , length.out = 48
                  , v1 = 1:48
dta$nrec <- 1
dta$date <- as.POSIXct( trunc.POSIXt( dta$datetime, units="days" ) )
dta$tod <- as.numeric( dta$datetime - dta$date, units = "hours" )
dta$timeslot <- factor( ifelse( 6 < dta$tod & dta$tod <= 22
                               , "Day"
                               , "Night"
                       , levels = c( "Night", "Day" )
dta$slotdatetime <- dta$date + as.difftime( ifelse( "Day" == dta$timeslot
                                                   , 22
                                                   , ifelse( 22 < dta$tod
                                                           , 24+6
                                                           , 6
                                           , units="hours"
dta2 <- aggregate( dta[ , c( "v1", "nrec" ) ]
                  , dta[ , c( "timeslot", "slotdatetime" ), drop=FALSE ]
                  , FUN = sum
dta2 <- subset( dta2, nrec == ifelse( "Day"==timeslot, 16, 8 ) )
dta2$v1mean <- dta2$v1 / dta2$nrec

#### or if you don't mind the tidyverse....

library(dplyr) # wonderland of non-standard evaluation... beware, Alice!
Sys.setenv( TZ = "Etc/GMT+5" ) # selected arbitrarily here but not left to
                                # the system to decide
dta <- data.frame( datetime = seq( ISOdatetime( 2017,1, 1, 0, 0, 0 )
                                  , by="hour"
                                  , length.out = 48
                  , v1 = 1:48
dta2 <- (   dta
         %>% mutate( date = as.POSIXct( trunc.POSIXt( datetime
                                                    , units="days"
                   , tod = as.numeric( datetime - date, units = "hours" )
                   , timeslot = factor( ifelse( 6 < tod & tod <= 22
                                              , "Day"
                                              , "Night"
                                      , levels = c( "Night", "Day" )
                   , slotdatetime = date +
                            as.difftime( ifelse( "Day" == timeslot
                                               , 22
                                               , ifelse( 22 < tod
                                                       , 24+6
                                                       , 6
                                       , units="hours"
         %>% group_by( slotdatetime, timeslot )
         %>% summarise( v1mean = mean( v1 )
                      , nrec = n()
         %>% filter( nrec == ifelse( "Day"==timeslot, 16, 8 ) )

> thanks for the help
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