[R] Cumulative Incident Function does not go to end of dataset

Donald Catanzaro dgcatanzaro at gmail.com
Sat Sep 24 05:58:15 CEST 2016

Hi All,

I have been working on a Competing Risks analysis using the mstate package
and when I run my analysis I was surprised to see the cumulative incident
function ending substantially before my data set did.

You can reproduce the behavior (kind of) using the data that was provided
with mstate:

ci <- Cuminc(time=aidssi$time, status=aidssi$status)

and you can see that ci goes to 10.448

However, when you use the cmprsk package, the CIF goes pretty much to the
end of the data

CI.overall <- cuminc(ftime =aidssi$time, fstatus=aidssi$status)

and you can see that CI.overall ends at 12

Using the data provided in the package, a difference of < 2 years is not
terrible but with my dataset mstate ends at 1.02 while cmprsk ends at 4 (my
max for event time is 4.9) and that is a substantial difference.

 I believe I must be missing something here.  Is there a way to get mstate to
report the entire CIF ?

- Don

Donald Catanzaro PhD
dgcatanzaro at gmail.com
16144 Sigmond Lane
Lowell, AR 72745

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