[R] R freezing issue when checking to see if variable belongs to two different vectors

Duncan Murdoch murdoch.duncan at gmail.com
Sat Sep 24 00:30:03 CEST 2016

On 23/09/2016 2:42 PM, Joel Stewart wrote:
> I often find myself trying to get a quick assessment of how much of one vector is inside of another vector. I almost always try this with variables that are some sort of identifier, like a client id number or an SSN. I typically do this:
> table( DF1$Identifier %in% DF2$Identifier)
> This will return a count of True and False logical responses. However, sometimes when I try to do this my computer will freeze and I am unable to stop or escape the process, requiring me to shutdown R via the task manager. I was wondering if anybody else experiences this and, if so, why this might be happening.

No, I've never seen that.

If you ever find a reproducible example to trigger that, please post it 
to the bug list.  (This might be a little hard if you've never posted 
there before; due to abuse by spammers, we need to authorize each user 
manually.  But at least we only need to do that once per user.)

If you can't make this happen reproducibly, it probably won't get 

Duncan Murdoch

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